The middle of seven children born into an Air Force family in 1954, John Lentine, aka "Mr. Checkers the Magician" and "Mr. Art," traveled extensively growing up. Each place brought out another side of him and gave him powerful tools to meet and interact with people. Art, Music, Magic, and Teaching emerged as his top four avenues to channel his creativity. A natural people person, John loves to entertain. He lives for any moment in front of a crowd, whether it be on stage in front of 300 people or standing in the front of his students in his art classroom known as "ART's Diner." John spent the majority of his adult life in Alaska, but lives now in Locust Grove, Virginia, about 15 miles west of Fredericksburg. Life is full with his wife Suzanne, who works in I.T., and their dog Beaux. John's son and daughter-in-law, JD and Kiki, live in Florida where JD is a Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard and Kiki is a nurse. John has been a magician, musician and artist for over 50 years and is in his 41st year as a teacher. He also has been a Church Music Director or Worship Leader for about the same period in parishes all over the country. Basically, John performs concerts and magic shows when he is not teaching art. A tireless worker, John is also always seeking to venture out in other areas such as video creation and editing, writing and photography, often combining many of these elements. John can come up with a song for any occasion in short order, is known to bake a pretty mean lasagne and is always in search for the world's best grilled cheese sandwich. "I am so thankful for the blessings God has given me," says John, "and I want to help others develop their talents and creativity, too!" Enjoy your visit here on John's website.